[drupal-docs] Moving Nodes vs. Creating New Nodes

bryan kennedy digital at mysteryexperience.com
Mon May 9 04:12:40 UTC 2005

On May 8, 2005, at 10:45 PM, Anisa wrote:

> still on vacation... technically.

Lucky!  I built all of the standards into a <table>.  The Bluebeach  
theme styles the table with borders between rows by default.  I put  
in the reference IDs (and added a style for background color) so that  
in the future when people write new docs and they don't meet the  
style guideline we can tell them specifically which guideline they  
have not met.  This is based on a suggestion by Dries from a while ago:

On Jan 9, 2005, at 2:09 PM, Dries Buytaert wrote:
> Would it make sense to give each guideline a unique number or ID?   
> Like that we can go: "Your documentation does not conform  
> documentation guideline #2 and #3" instead of having to explain  
> things over and over again.  It seems like an easy mechanism to  
> refer to guidelines would help reduce the communication overhead.

I think they should remain to the right since they are not the main  
focus for someone when they might read through the document.  They  
are of secondary importance.

> Some judicious use of italics, bold, and code could also make each
> individual guideline a lot easier to read.
Great. When you feel like you have time, go ahead and add them where  
you feel appropriate, then let us know so we can review.


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