[drupal-docs] Fwd: [drupal-devel] Application documentation sprint - 30 minutes of your time to make Drupal more usable

puregin puregin at puregin.org
Tue May 10 03:52:43 UTC 2005

Another message to Drupal-devel which should be of interested to  
drupal-docs also.... Djun

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kieran Lal <kieran at civicspacelabs.org>
> Date: 9 May 2005 5:01:05 PM PDT
> To: Drupal-devel <drupal-devel at drupal.org>, Civicspace  
> <civicspace-dev at civicspacelabs.org>,  
> civicspace-community at civicspacelabs.org
> Subject: [drupal-devel] Application documentation sprint - 30 minutes  
> of your time to make Drupal more usable
> Reply-To: drupal-devel at drupal.org
> Hello, 
>     we are doing an application documentation sprint.   The recent  
> documentation survey indicated that 71% of respondents needed  
> application documentation.   A quick review of the documentation  
> available in 60 of the core and contributed applications revealed the  
> following.
> 23 out of 60 applications did not have an administration interface.  
> (12/31 core)
> 27 out of 60 applications did not have administration help  
> documentation.  (14/31 core)
> There were few direct links from administration help documentation to  
> the relevant handbook pages.
> There were no links from the administration help documentation to the  
> application administration interfaces.
> How you can help improve the usability and documentation.
> We need volunteers to research and write one or two paragraphs on how  
> to use each of the 60 modules.   We have researched all the links to  
> application administration interfaces and application help  
> documentation so you do not have to.   In many cases we have also  
> linked directly to the package for applications which may include  
> valuable information in install, readme, and upgrade documentation.   
> We have also set up a test site where you can work with an application  
> to help write documentation for it.   We have created customization  
> and configuration handbook pages for each of the 60 applications and  
> provided you with those links.
> We will work with the docs team to review your paragraphs for  
> documentation style and consistency.   We also work with developers to  
> get them to accept documentation patches to their applications, so you  
> don't have to learn CVS or argue with developers.   If there is  
> existing documentation we will work with the docs team to move it to  
> the handbook where appropriate.
> Drupal core applications and wiki page with reference  
> links: http://dev.bryght.com/t/wiki/DrupalAdminHelpDocumentation
> Drupal contributed applications and wiki page with reference  
> links:  http://dev.bryght.com/t/wiki/ 
> DrupalContribsAdminHelpDocumentation
> If you are interested in helping please contact me to volunteer.   
>  With thirty minutes of your time you can quickly research and write a  
> few sentences to describe an application and provide useful links.   
> Zack Rosen, Andrew Hoppin, and I will be working on this full-time  
> tomorrow.
> Cheers,
> Kieran

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