[drupal-docs] Handbook v2 - "About Drupal" proposal

puregin puregin at puregin.org
Tue May 10 06:48:38 UTC 2005

On 9 May 2005, at 10:11 PM, Anisa wrote:

>  Cooperation is an essential skill in life.  If it's not working, then 
> what are you going to do about it?  :)
>  I do think that this is a little strange period in the life of the 
> doc team.  It's harder to see everyone's efforts.  :(
>  Anisa.

I agree with Anisa about things feeling strange.   But I guess
it also feels 'normal' in the sense that this is a relatively
new project/team and there's always a period that feels
unsettled at the start - that's my experience anyway :-)

Looks to me like there is good stuff happening on various
fronts, but there's a bit of confusion and uncertainty about
where we're going, what we're doing, what the plan is,
what the priorities are, etc.

One of the popular theories of Group dynamics simplifies
the stages of teamwork as 'forming/storming/norming/performing'.
Looks to me like we're forming/storming - which is to be
expected:  "When in panic/when in doubt/run in circles/
scream and shout"  :)

I think  a couple of things might be useful at this point:

     1) a little formal structure, in the form of a plan, timeline,
     roles, etc.   This just as a guide or discussion point -
     definitely to evolve, perhaps to be discarded (a la
     'training wheels') once we reach a certain velocity.

     2) perhaps a little more interactive conversation -
     Skype, iChat, IRC anyone?   Let's try to connect
     and say hi over the next few days.  I'll send  my
     vCard individually, off the list - let me know if I've
     omitted you and you want to participate  :)

Re: 1)   Let's begin  with a little status report from everyone
I'll start us off (in a separate post!)

BTW, I'd like judah's suggestion (8 May 2005):

> IMHO I think that everyone that has applied could do the job
> excellently. I recommend that Bryan, Anisa and Djun work together as
> document coordinators.

I think we all have particular strengths that we
bring to the team - I'm sure we'll each find our
niche and find ways to complement and
support each other's work.

    Cheers, Djun

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