[drupal-docs] Regarding the drupal help documentation

Dan Robinson dan at civicactions.com
Tue May 10 22:05:02 UTC 2005

Ahhh - now we're really cooking with gas :)

So what we're looking for is a 1 paragraph (or so) explanation of what 
the module does and a little bit about how you configure it so something 
like -

Blocks are a special kind of Drupal "content".  Blocks can be configured 
to appear in the right and left columns of a web page.  Examples of 
blocks are "Login" blocks, "Most recent stories", "Who's on-line".  Also 
blocks could be used for advertising, pull-quotes etc.  Blocks are often 
defined by Drupal modules - for example the "Event" module defines a 
block that allows for a calendar view of all events entered in the 
system.  An admin can also create "custom" blocks - which can contain 
arbitrary content.  You can control the order in which blocks appear on 
the page by setting their "Weight" a numeric value where lightly 
"weighted" blocks "float" to the top of a column and "heavier" blocks 
sink down.  You can control whether a block will appear on a particular 
page using the "Block" configure options and setting blocks to appear 
only in conjunction with a particular type of content (such as with 
blogs or with discussion forums) and you can control where "Blocks" 
appear based on the URL.

Then a link to the "Blocks" doco in the book (I'm not claiming that this 
is complete - just want to get a "yeah - that's more like it" or something).


>Assume that we aren't going to get documentation development and we  
>are going to be stuck with the existing help module.
>The docs team wants the docs to be online.  We don't want detailed  
>docs inside the code which is what is happening if it is there at all.
>The intention is move 2 and 3 to the handbooks.
>>2) Section(s) dealing with more detailed conceptual things (for those
>>that have read or want to skip the introduction and want more detail)
>>3) Howto's for doing the harder tasks (for those that have muddled
>>through trying to do it on their own and are ready for the detailed
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