[drupal-docs] using target = "administration" attribute in relative links for administration interfaces

puregin puregin at puregin.org
Fri May 13 06:00:04 UTC 2005

Do we face the possibility that some people might have pop-up
windows disabled on their browser, and would thus not
see some of this documentation?

On 12 May 2005, at 5:45 PM, Kieran Lal wrote:

> On May 12, 2005, at 4:55 PM, Anisa wrote:
>> What's the point of having direct links to the administration nodes in
>> documentation that is primarily located on Drupal.org?
> Good catch.  This should only apply to documentation inside the code.
>> Just checking.  :)  I always thought that was odd personally, when I
>> came across the odd link that basically took me directly to one of
>> Drupal.org's admin nodes...  none of which I had access to, or
>> could be
>> expected to have access to.  :)
>> Anisa.
>> Kieran Lal wrote:
>>> Hi, I would like to add the consistent use of target =
>>> "administration" to the authoring guidelines in the linking
>>> section.   The goal is give users a single window in which all
>>> documentation links open in.   When users are using documentation,
>>> particularly with relative links into administration interfaces it
>>> can be confusing if new windows are constantly open up.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Kieran
Djun M. Kim, Director                           
djun.kim at cielosystems.com
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