[drupal-docs] [bug] Converting XTemplate to PHPTemplate book page

leafish_paul drupal-docs at drupal.org
Wed May 18 16:02:33 UTC 2005

Issue status update for http://drupal.org/node/23148

 Project:      Documentation
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    Developer Guide
 Category:     bug reports
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  Anonymous
 Reported by:  leafish_paul
 Updated by:   leafish_paul
 Status:       active
 Attachment:   http://drupal.org/files/issues/conv_xtmpl_to_phptpl.txt (2.08 KB)


The book page on converting XTemplate themes to PHPTemplate seems
incomplete. Attached is a text file with some corrections.



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