[drupal-docs] establishing a process/workflow for creating, submitting, editing documentation

Dries Buytaert dries at buytaert.net
Fri May 20 10:38:27 UTC 2005

> Actually, my long subscriptions module rant was about centralizing
> subscriptions and having them manage both RSS feed items (i.e.
> everyone has their own subscriptions/feed, just like the buddylist
> feed) and email notification. Out of scope/needs development for now,
> but the essential issue of external notification remains (Dries: the
> updates page doesn't do external notification, so it's not
> particularly useful).

That is the long-term goal, yes, and is something I could work on.

For now, the "book updates" page _is_ helpful, even without an RSS  
feed.  As Charlie puts it, let's work with the tools we have and work  
towards better tools.

Memo to self: make Boris a "I suck your RSS" t-shirt for OSCON [1]. =)

   [1] http://dev.bryght.com/t/wiki/Oscon2005

Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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