[drupal-docs] standard for spelling in docs?

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Sat May 21 15:01:39 UTC 2005

It's also a common practice to include in a style guide a list of words 
which are frequently used within document construction for a particular 
project and have alternative correct spellings, or at least, common 
alternative spellings in usage (but not grammatically correct).

For instance,

email or e-mail

The tendency these days seems to be moving toward not using hyphens in 
instances like this. Makes sense to me. More concise natural language 
code ;)

I also noticed that "open source" was hyphenated in a couple of the ad 
leaflet submissions when it was used as an adjective. Open source should 
never be hyphenated in any instance I can think of, although I often see 
people doing it this way.

If we find that there are a few words commonly used in Drupal docs that 
are part of the terminology used to describe Drupal that are often 
showing up with difference spellings because of the differences between 
British and American spellings, we might add them in, too.


Dries Buytaert wrote:

> Let's stick to American English.  44% of drupal.org's visitors live  
> in America. Last month, we served 1.1M pages to people from the  
> United States, and 0.2M pages to people from the European Union.
> Feel free to add that to the style-guide.

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