[drupal-docs] book module improvements

Ron Mahon ron at inmrc.com
Mon May 23 14:25:19 UTC 2005

Yes now you have it.

It also make it possible to take advantage of how we are being trained to
skim WebPages.

Everybody knows that nobody reads web pages word for word. The real question
is how do they make sense of it.


In copywriting is extremely important not to lose the viewer in the fist 5
or 10 seconds. 


The first main Headline is designed to stop you. The sub headlines are to
tell the whole story so you can judge if you want to read the article. (Hook


I been trying to figure out how to influence you  to reverse the
presentation process. My last attempt assumed you all ready had a working
knowledge of  copywriting, and failed.


Let me expand on what I see as major obstacles to presentation and


*	On the format of  three columns does not get any votes for UI. 


*	The type face is no correct for maximum readily. See how easy it is
to read the printer friendly version.


*	The braking down of the subject mater in to artificial short lengths
only interrupts the thought process. Add the page load delay and it I am
positive that it leads to page abandonment and frustration.


If we use the a modified printer friendly version (50 -60 columns) the left
navigation column is unnecessary because the person will automatically seek
out the section of interest-relevance or conclude it not relevant and more
on. Many time faster than the present hard to read and manage system. 


(Evelyn Woods has a lot to say on reading complete thoughts and retention)


Now that the process and purpose is understood.


Creating useful and meaningful headers will be more direct and  easer.


Prove it to your self


Once more it very easy to prove this simply select the printer friendly
version and subject it to what ever test you desire.


On last thought! 


For a wile we seamed to have been engaged in a quest for the holy grail.
There is no best presentation or method. It depends on the viewer what they
are using to view the output on and the purpose.  I my case being I suspect
much older that most of you, my failing eye site makes a very different

Do they initials XML suggest any thing to you.

Best Regards



PS: my response is a not so good example of the process. A good head line
can take days to complete and is subject to testing

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-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Lowe [mailto:cel4145 at cyberdash.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 11:43 AM
To: drupal-docs at drupal.org
Subject: Re: [drupal-docs] book module improvements

Here's an idea. In a conversation on drupaled.org, Boris mentions
import/export again (http://www.drupaled.org/node/39#comment-67). I'll quote
my response which contains what might be an easy way to do it:

"As a first step toward this, I've been wondering why we couldn't use the
printer-friendly version to do this. It's already exporting a book as HTML
with the different nodes tagged with the heading id's. Suppose that the id
tag was kept with the nid of that node, but that the class was set to the
nid of the parent. Then we would just need to have Drupal process a
printer-friendly version and pull it back in as either

1) a new book
2) tell Drupal the parent in which to place it
3) tell Drupal to match it up with an existing book, creating new pages
wherever the user has specified new nid's in the markup that don't exist
within the existing book."

I personally kind of like this because it's a way of extending a current
output feature rather than creating a new one. Should be pretty easy to tell
users how to do just the basic importing and exporting and the export is in
a very readable format.

I'll add this to our list of ideas.


Kieran Lal wrote:
> As someone who is spending a reasonable amount of time documenting I
> can tell you that writing in the book isn't a lot of fun.  Especially,
> if it's fixed width.  I'd like to be able to export in the morning,
> get on the caltrain without a connection, and check it in when I get to
>  Now that would be productive.
> Feel free to export it any acronym you want, as long as I can edit it
> in a text editor and not a browser I'll be happy.  Bonus point's if I
> can spell check it.
> Cheers,
> Kieran

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