[drupal-docs] establishing a process/workflow for creating, submitting, editing documentation

Boris Mann borismann at gmail.com
Mon May 23 15:52:35 UTC 2005

On 21-May-05, at 9:51 PM, Charlie Lowe wrote:

> Sounds like project issues it is.
> Questions:
> Rather than letting non-book maintainers create new pages, would it be
> better to have them submit new pages and edits via the project module?
> Would this be easier than dealing with moderation?
> Ultimately, I'd rather let people create and edit pages at will in  
> true
> wiki fashion, but I feel like we need a better, more automated way to
> monitor new pages and changed pages.
> What does everyone think?

As I've stated, I completely agree with allowing anyone to edit book  
pages (i.e. wiki-like)...we just need a way to be *notified of  
changes*. Unfortunately, this requires tech development. Is a reverse  
bounty needed?

If we don't have a way of being notified of changes, then my vote is  
for projects module...with the caveat that very few people (maybe no  
one other than the current doc team) will actually use this method.

So, +1 for book module with updates, with project module as an  
interim solution.

Boris Mann

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