[drupal-docs] CMS comparison

Steven Peck speck at blkmtn.org
Sat May 28 06:19:01 UTC 2005

<apologies for the formatting, have to use web client until I get my system fully reloaded after a hard drive crash>
I think that if we can start getting some basic configuration guides added to the documenation then that will point to some solutions and help highlight some of the strengths of Drupal.  I know I have one or two that I am going to be putting together for review shortly. .... I hope.


From: drupal-docs-bounces at drupal.org on behalf of Steven Wittens
Sent: Fri 5/27/2005 2:11 PM
To: drupal-docs at drupal.org
Subject: Re: [drupal-docs] CMS comparison

Dries Buytaert wrote:

>Somewhat off-topic but see http://fiskbooth.com/report-full.pdf.

I thought this review was quite odd...


By their own logic, we should score 9.5, not 5.5 ;). I guess the
question is: how can we make our existing features more visible to
users? Something for the docs team to think about...

Steven Wittens

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