[drupal-docs] Free software Ad

Ron Mahon ron at inmrc.com
Sun May 29 20:14:55 UTC 2005

Re: Drupal ad Free Software Magazine 


Sorry I was away most of the week end and didn't catch this un till a hour


The only purpose of the proposed ad is to get people to read more.


The headline is the most important part of any ad (85 to 90%)


The purpose of the headline is to stop you and create a desire within you to
find out more.

One of the most successful techniques is to ask a question that can only be
answered by reading more.


With time and space limited, I suggest that we should create enough
curiosity to make the reader go to the marketing section on the "Drupal Web"



Wile the drupal logo's are very nice they don't build Spence or tell a
story. Even if the audience is familiar with drupal we need to convey that
is new and different. May be some flash on the marketing page.


Hopefully without saying it that way.



Sig. with apologies to "Google" 


Red is definitely the right color for head lined on the web 3 - 4 to 1 Times
New Roman works good on print fonts. 



If the persons interested in measuring response for ad will contact me I
have some cgi scripts that will perform that task automatically 





PS Rough Draft 

"What do the makers of  Linux,  the Programmers at  Yahoo  and XXXXXX
thousand of other people have in common?"


When push came to shove the people who have, almost unlimited resources
chose the "Worlds most versatile CMS"


Shouldn't you too!


What would you say if you found out about the best-kept secret in the free
software universe? 


A modular system build around the Quad power of Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP.
Conceived and created and extended by some of the greatest minds around the


Available in over 14 different languages. A shining example of what  user
synergy and cooperation can do..


Follow the links below and see how you too can participate in this exciting
Drupal community.


Join The Drupal Revelation 


Hear what the creators of Linux had to say.


See how Yahoo made there decision to Drupal. 


Imagine what Drupal could do for you!



Turn logos on the side and hot link them to the drupal marketing page.



Http://drupal.org <http://drupal.org/>  etc.


Drupal marketing signature  "Just Drupal It" ?

InterNet Marketing Resource Center
A Free Super Mart of Articles, Demos, Tutorials everything you need to
Succeed on the net.

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