[drupal-docs] An example of awesome theme documentation... care of WP

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Tue May 31 05:41:55 UTC 2005

Ultimately, perhaps what we should be looking for is how to explain 
Drupal enough that people can make it how they want it to look like.  
It's really not too hard, all things considered.

Thanks for the link!


Boris Mann wrote:

>Another great write-up that is trapped in drupal-docs/drupal-dev.  
>This is the kind of thing that I was talking about would make a great  
>post for the Best Practices category of story posts.
>I would call this "How to start making your Drupal-powered site kick  
>(graphical) ass".
>On 30-May-05, at 9:40 PM, Steven Wittens wrote:
>>Chris Messina wrote:
>>>The depth of information on this one topic -- which is arguably  
>>>one of
>>>the most important for bloggers since it addresses the most visual  
>>>personalizable aspects of a site -- is fantastic. From the code
>>>snippets to the visual aids... It really seems like this is the depth
>>>of information that should be available for each aspect of Drupal.
>>I agree with Chris that something similar would be excellent for
>>Drupal... for the sites list in the FSM ad, I had to look at  
>>hundreds of
>>Drupal sites today. Most of them completely fail to grab your  
>>and are just a list of news posts with nothing to guide new visitors.
>>Which is probably also the reason why most of them never seem to take
>>off properly, or burn out after a while.
>>At the very least, each site should have a visible mission statement
>>that is clear, simple and to the point. "FunkyTomatoes is an online
>>community of ketchup lovers. Join us to discuss all things that are
>>ketchup-related!". All Drupal themes support this and it is turned  
>>on by
>>default, so this is an easy enhancement. The mission statement can
>>contain HTML, so linking to more extensive introduction pages  
>>should be
>>Another important part of Drupal page design is placement of blocks  
>>links. Often the important blocks are tucked away at the bottom, while
>>navigation links in the header tend to be vague.
>>Finally, a lot of people either don't seem to realize that a site  
>>be uncluttered and concise, or (more likely) they don't know how to
>>achieve this with Drupal. We could teach people how to better control
>>the appearance of their page with the theme toggles (disable  
>>by" if it isn't relevant) or how to disable menu items.
>>If we can have such "Tips for your Drupal site", the quality of the
>>average Drupal site should go up dramatically.
>>In extremis, we could even start creating some simple copy/pastable  
>>snippets for simple things, though of course they tend to be
>>theme-specific. Due to the variety of layouts used, something as  
>>as "#sidebar-right { font-size: 90%; }" won't work everywhere.
>Boris Mann

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