[drupal-docs] [BEST PRACTICES] How to start making your Drupal-powered site kick (graphical) ass WAS:Re: An example of awesome theme documentation... care of WP

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Tue May 31 14:08:44 UTC 2005

On May 31, 2005, at 12:34 AM, Roland "Bryght" Tanglao wrote:

> kieran et al
> If nobody else is up to it, i can convert that Wordpress header thing
> to a Drupal header thing for drupal.org (my first best practice
> outside of support.bryght.com!)
> and start thinking about how to steal er learn more from the
> Wordpress best practices
> let me know if that's ok or if you have other thoughts or suggestions!

That would be awesome.  I'd love to know myself.


> --
> ...Roland Tanglao, Chief Blogging Officer, Bryght, www.bryght.com
> HOSTED 'Web 2.0' websites for organizations and communities
> +1 604 729 7924 Skype/AIM/iChat: rtanglao
>   rolandtanglao.com UrbanVancouver.com
> this email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
> On 30-May-05, at 10:08 PM, Boris Mann wrote:
>> Steven:
>> Another great write-up that is trapped in drupal-docs/drupal-dev.
>> This is the kind of thing that I was talking about would make a great
>> post for the Best Practices category of story posts.
>> I would call this "How to start making your Drupal-powered site kick
>> (graphical) ass".
>> On 30-May-05, at 9:40 PM, Steven Wittens wrote:
>>> Chris Messina wrote:
>>>> The depth of information on this one topic -- which is arguably
>>>> one of
>>>> the most important for bloggers since it addresses the most visual
>>>> and
>>>> personalizable aspects of a site -- is fantastic. From the code
>>>> snippets to the visual aids... It really seems like this is the
>>>> depth
>>>> of information that should be available for each aspect of Drupal.
>>>> http://codex.wordpress.org/Designing_Headers
>>> I agree with Chris that something similar would be excellent for
>>> Drupal... for the sites list in the FSM ad, I had to look at
>>> hundreds of
>>> Drupal sites today. Most of them completely fail to grab your
>>> attention,
>>> and are just a list of news posts with nothing to guide new  
>>> visitors.
>>> Which is probably also the reason why most of them never seem to  
>>> take
>>> off properly, or burn out after a while.
>>> At the very least, each site should have a visible mission statement
>>> that is clear, simple and to the point. "FunkyTomatoes is an online
>>> community of ketchup lovers. Join us to discuss all things that are
>>> ketchup-related!". All Drupal themes support this and it is turned
>>> on by
>>> default, so this is an easy enhancement. The mission statement can
>>> contain HTML, so linking to more extensive introduction pages
>>> should be
>>> encouraged.
>>> Another important part of Drupal page design is placement of blocks
>>> and
>>> links. Often the important blocks are tucked away at the bottom,
>>> while
>>> navigation links in the header tend to be vague.
>>> Finally, a lot of people either don't seem to realize that a site
>>> should
>>> be uncluttered and concise, or (more likely) they don't know how to
>>> achieve this with Drupal. We could teach people how to better  
>>> control
>>> the appearance of their page with the theme toggles (disable
>>> "submitted
>>> by" if it isn't relevant) or how to disable menu items.
>>> If we can have such "Tips for your Drupal site", the quality of the
>>> average Drupal site should go up dramatically.
>>> In extremis, we could even start creating some simple copy/pastable
>>> CSS
>>> snippets for simple things, though of course they tend to be
>>> theme-specific. Due to the variety of layouts used, something as
>>> simple
>>> as "#sidebar-right { font-size: 90%; }" won't work everywhere.
>> --
>> Boris Mann
>> http://www.bmannconsulting.com
>> -- 
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> -- 
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