[drupal-docs] Drupal in the Java world

Mark Leicester mark.leicester at efurbishment.com
Tue May 31 15:21:54 UTC 2005

Hi Steven,

Watching it, tinkering with it, and looking forward to the next 
release! BTW, thanks a bunch for Friends Electric, it's come in really, 
really handy as the basis for the Planet Cocoon skin.

Ahh, perhaps you thought that when I said "free tagging implementation" 
below I was referring to autowitch? It's not obvious, but I actually 
meant HEAD. I've played the HEAD version a fair bit, and like it a lot 
(can't wait). See my second post.


On 31 May 2005, at 16:06, Steven Wittens wrote:

>> quickly I used autowitch's awTags[5] modules. I'm watching the free
>> tagging implementation develop with interest; coupled with a 
>> sprinkling
>> of Ajax I'm sure it'll be a killer.
> Have you tried HEAD recently? It has full folksonomy support with Ajax
> per-tag autocomplete (although I believe it is buggy at the moment due
> to a taxonomy API change, not sure if that's been fixed yet). But this
> will not appear in 4.6.
> Steven
> -- 
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