[drupal-docs] How fast can you read 120 paragraphs

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Tue May 31 17:51:13 UTC 2005

Hi, I received some feedback on admin help.  I am concerned that  
there isn't enough feedback on Admin help coming in and we are going  
end up posting stuff that needs more editing.  I do appreciate all  
the work that has gone into it but I think we need some people to  
take a fresh look at it.

There is generally 2 paragraphs for 60 modules so that's really just  
120 paragraphs to be read.

More feedback like the feedback that follows would be helpful.  Just  
post it to the list and I can do the updates. If you have editing  
privileges, go ahead and make the changes to handbook directly.


General Comments
1.  have all the links been tested?
2.  overall, i feel that there should be a title on each page.  So if  
I link to this page, I should clearly see that I am on the "Blocks"  
page or the "Archives" page
3.  This may be too much work, but each page could have a section  
that says "Summary" and then one that says "???"

redundant: newly updated news
Suggest "With the news aggregator, you can" instead of just "you can"
You mention "users" and "administrators" so when you say "they" who  
are you referring to?

wouldn't the "archive" page be for archiving data?  Usually,if you're  
looking for older data it is in the "archives" (plural)
in the aggregator, you linked to "block administration"
2nd paragraph, may want to say: To view the archive by date, select  
the date...
same comments as above regarding "you can"
periods missing at the end of each bulleted item
no link to "block administration" in the "you can" section

in general, I find blocks a bit confusing.  Maybe you could give more  
orientation to them.  For example: there are 2 types of blocks:  
module generated abd admin defined...etc.
suggest: A Block is a box of related/grouped data that is visible in  
the sidebar or your web site.
usually, the first sentence is a summary of what you are talking  
about in the page.  Given this, you might want to mention  
"administrator defined blocks"
whats a sidebar?  the navigation bar?
missing hypertext links? ie Throttle, Modules, and some of the new  
terms in the bulleted list
User settings in the bulleted list: You is the administrator?  If so,  
please say that.
There is another ambiguous "you" reference in the "admin defined  
blocks" section.

you might want to mention that people can add comments to posts

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