[drupal-docs] How fast can you read 120 paragraphs

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Tue May 31 23:18:26 UTC 2005

Here are some of the comments I am getting from one volunteer who not  
on this list:

General Comments
1.  have all the links been tested?
2.  overall, i feel that there should be a title on each page.  So if  
I link to this page, I should clearly see that I am on the "Blocks"  
page or the "Archives" page
3.  This may be too much work, but each page could have a section  
that says "Summary" and then one that says "???"
4.  Prefer if "you can" sections were titled "In this XYZ module, you  

redundant: newly updated news
Suggest "With the news aggregator, you can" instead of just "you can"
You mention "users" and "administrators" so when you say "they" who  
are you referring to?

wouldn't the "archive" page be for archiving data?  Usually,if you're  
looking for older data it is in the "archives" (plural)
in the aggregator, you linked to "block administration"
2nd paragraph, may want to say: To view the archive by date, select  
the date...
same comments as above regarding "you can"
periods missing at the end of each bulleted item
no link to "block administration" in the "you can" section

-in general, I find blocks a bit confusing.  Maybe you could give  
more orientation to them.  For example: there are 2 types of blocks:  
module generated abd admin defined...etc.
-suggest: A Block is a box of related/grouped data that is visible in  
the sidebar or your web site.
-usually, the first sentence is a summary of what you are talking  
about in the page.  Given this, you might want to mention  
"administrator defined blocks"
-whats a sidebar?  the navigation bar?
-missing hypertext links? ie Throttle, Modules, and some of the new  
terms in the bulleted list
-User settings in the bulleted list: You is the administrator?  If  
so, please say that.
-There is another ambiguous "you" reference in the "admin defined  
blocks" section.

-you might want to mention that people can add comments to posts
-This sentence is a little hard to understand: "The blog module adds  
a "user blogs" navigation link to the site, which takes any visitor  
to a page that displays the most recent blog entries from all the  
users on the site."  Suggest breaking it up into 2 sentences.
-You talk about an "import module" as the news aggregator but this  
fact is not mentioned in the aggregator file.
-I think the word "lists" should be singular in this sentence:  
"...blog-it link next to each news item in its lists."   
Alternatively, you could say "in each of its lists" to denote plurality.
-This sentence is too long: "Clicking on this takes the user to the  
blog submission form, with the title, a link to the item, and a link  
to the source into the body text already in the text box, ready for  
the user to add a comment or explanation."  Suggest: "Clicking on the  
"blogit" link takes the user to the blog submission form, with the  
title, a link to the item, and a link to the source automatically  
inserted into the body text.  The submission form is then ready for  
the user to add a comment or explanation.
-Same comments on the "you can" section...suggest "With blogs, you  
-"administer blog" should be "administer a/the/your blog"
-"administer blog api" should be "administer the/your blog api"

blog api
-The first sentence is awkard: "The blog API module enables posting  
to your site
via external GUI applications"  What is being posted?
-Suggest a change in this sentence: The blog api allows for users to  
have the freedom to use the blogging tools they want but still have  
the blogging server of choice."  Change to: The blog api provides  
users the freedom to use the blogging tools they want but still have  
the blogging server of choice.
-BlogAPI in the second paragraph is missing a space between the two  
-links missing in the "You can" section
-Same comments on the "you can" section...suggest "With the blog API,  
you can"...

-there are a lot of features which is overwhelming...you may want to  
say why a user would choose a book over a wiki over a blog, etc.
-in this sentence: "Book pages have navigation elements" I believe  
the word should be "navagational"
-node types: huh?  are these defined elsewhere?
-In the intro paragraph, I would state that non-book node types can  
go in a book.  This is mentioned at the end and I think it should be  
mentioned at the top.
-Same comments on the "you can" section

-The plural of the word buddy is buddies, not buddy's
-buddy's buddy's should be buddy's buddies
-thereby should be therefore OR thereby exploring...(not explore)
I'd like to reword the second paragraph (typo = enable, typo = user  
should be use)
You can add buddies via user profiles. The site administrator must  
enable viewing users profiles to be able to use the buddy list  
option.  On the "View" tab of the user profile, there is a "Buddy  
list" section. One of the buddy list actions is "Add Buddy." Select  
this action to add a user to your buddy list. If a user is already in  
your buddy list, the add action will remove the buddy. Another buddy  
list action is "Buddy List Block."  This actions allows you to ???? A  
site administrator can also enable the Friends Of A Friend (FOAF)  
module to allow for sharing of buddy lists between different social  
networking applications.
-what does buddy list block do?  I put "???" where you need to  
-as a side note, I think it is a bad idea to use the Add Buddy action  
to remove a buddy.


-was blank

-missing some hypertext links?  ie. "account settings"
-Can this sentence be reworded?: "Members of the community may be  
interested in something you have posted or they have been referred to  
you, and the contact module is important in helping make connections  
among members of your community"
-Missing a comma in this sentence: "If users enable the personal  
contact form, then a contact tab will appear in their user  
profile." (I inserted it after the word "form").  Would "activate" be  
a better verb here?  Not sure if "enable" is what you use in the  
-In the "You can" section, the first word of each bullet is not  
consistently capitalized.
-periods missing at the end of each bullet in the "you can" section

contact manager

-in this sentence, the word "which" should be "that": "...directory  
server which maintains a..."
-in this sentence, remove the first comma: "allow members to login to  
any other site, which uses the Drupal module, using a login name  
-I don't think this is correct:  site's ...
-in the first bulleted item in the "you can" section, the word "you"  
should be "your"

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