[drupal-docs] [support] How to use CVS tags and branches to keep track of different uncommited patches.

beginner drupal-docs at drupal.org
Tue Oct 11 12:10:07 UTC 2005

Issue status update for 
Post a follow up: 

 Project:      Documentation
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    Developer Guide
 Category:     support requests
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  Anonymous
 Reported by:  beginner
 Updated by:   beginner
 Status:       active

You mean that you have a local cvs repository, and you check out into
different local folders, one for each patch and one for each new
feature, as explained in the book page you mention? That is, the patch
do not exist in your local (or remote) repository, only in each
different installation?

I have set up my local cvs repository and committed drupal HEAD with a
third party vendor tag.

I see some patches that take an awfully long time to get commited. I'd
like to benefit from them, while keeping them up to date if it can
help. (like the patch  http://drupal.org/node/28540 was ready in August
but was not committed then and may not be valid anymore). So, for
Drupal's benefit, I must keep all the patches separate, but for my own
benefit, I must combine them all. I thought cvs was the answer, having
different branches, one for each patch/bugfix/feature that keep
evolving according to cvs.drupal.org, while I have my own LOCAL HEAD
with the latest cvs.drupal.org HEAD   AND all the patches combined.

How do combine all the patches into one site (i.e. into the HEAD of my
LOCAL repository) while still keeping them separate?

I'm still learning about cvs, and I'll keep reading the cvs handbook as
well as the relevant parts within the drupal.org handbook. but I'm still
a bit stuck here, because I can't seem to be able to visualize my way
forward from here. I haven't seen a concrete example that explains how
to achieve the above. I'm sure I'll understand eventually (by dint of
reading and experimenting) but I'm still curious how other developpers
manage such a seemingly complex task.



Previous comments:

Mon, 10 Oct 2005 10:09:40 +0000 : beginner


I am currently learning how to use CVS so that I can modify HEAD and
contribute some patches.

I have read (many times) the relevant pages in the handbook, as well as
the cvsbook.red-bean.com. I have created a local cvs repository and
checked out then commited drupal HEAD into my repository.

It is said that each patch should be kept separate, each being specific
to a function, a bug, etc... So, how, concretely speaking, do you keep
track of each patch.  Do you create a branch for each specific patch?

Supposed I'm working on bug1 -> patch1, bug2-> patch2 and mymodule and
myfeature3 -> patch3, myfeature4 -> patch4.
Patch1 ... patch4 have not been commited to Drupal HEAD, so I try to
keep them up to date within my local ropository. How do I keep them
upto date, separate from each other, and what do I do once one of them
is actually commited to Drupal HEAD....



Mon, 10 Oct 2005 16:00:41 +0000 : sepeck

There are instructions here.

I test by sync'ing up and building seperate site's based on what
patches I intend to apply.

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