[drupal-docs] Linux User and Developer Magazine Article

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Tue Oct 11 14:47:11 UTC 2005

Kobus Myburgh wrote:
> It will indeed be different from the rest of the articles posted sofar.

Although, not so different than some of the writing that has been done 
for Drupal. I'm thinking of the case studies and the interviews that 
Robin has been including in the newsletters. Pick a half a dozen or so 
high profile or very interesting implementations of Drupal and focus on 
them with questions like

* Why Drupal was chosen for the project? In terms of features, 
community, potential for development/flexibility, etc.
* What is the purpose of the website?
* What features of Drupal (modules) were used in the project?
* What particular challenges were there in implementing the website?

It might be good to come up with more questions like this, contact the 
designers/administrators of the site with the questions, then use their 
answers to help create the article. People will likely eagerly cooperate 
because it's good PR for their sites as well.

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