[drupal-docs] Why we decided to add reference to the drupal handbook in administration help

Gabor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Thu Sep 29 16:01:57 UTC 2005

>> Well, numerically it might be small, but if you look at the developer
>> list, which is full of people, who do ship customized versions of Drupal
>> to their customers, then the tempting thought to talk about this
>> possibility is big enough to just not let it pass :)
> Ok, how about adding a handbook page somewhere (sub-page of the help
> module page?) that describes how to remove the link for developers who
> don't want this (basically would just be a find/replace in files job,
> since the line will be identical across modules). But leave it on by
> default.
> This way if I want to hugely modify my forum code, or I want to sell
> Drupal as SuperCMS 2.0, I will be able to remove that line, but for 99%
> of everyone else it stays there as a helpful pointer to further info.
> Deal? ;)

Hey, I am not advocating documenting how can this be removed, those who
do customize Drupal can do so. Do not make the docs heavier with
explanations on how to remove stuff, it is pointless. I just tried to
defend those modifying Drupal, pointing out that it is not just about
someone selling Drupal as other software, but just someone catering to
customer needs. Enough said.


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