[documentation] Including a script with a book page submission

Sami Khan sami at etopian.net
Sat Apr 15 19:30:50 UTC 2006


If it's not available currently, it might be useful to enable file uploads
on books pages. I see plenty of code sniplets that might benefit from the
authors being able to upload them in their native formats rather than a
code block on the page, which you have to copy, format and paste. Just a

Sami Khan

> I am about to submit book pages on scripted backup/restore that
> includes bash shell scripts. They're approximately 110 lines each
> (lots of white space and comments). What is the preferred method for
> the script submission:
>  - inline text in code tags
>  - text in code tags on child pages
>  - as files
>  - a combination of text and files
> If files, how do I include them with the submission?
> Thanks
> --
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