[documentation] How to remove erroneous handbook page

Karen Stevenson karen at elderweb.com
Tue Dec 5 14:30:16 UTC 2006

Thanks! What's the difference between doc maintainer and site maintainer?


----- Original Message ----
From: Steven Peck <speck at blkmtn.org>
To: A list for documentation writers <documentation at drupal.org>
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2006 8:17:56 PM
Subject: Re: [documentation] How to remove erroneous handbook page





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You currently have registered user
permissions.  You can edit any page you create.  You can add handbook pages and
they appear immediately.


So, click click click, submit……
you now have doc maintainer role.  Welcome to the team.  

You are doing the work on CCK so feel free
to have at it.  J  

If you want to go for site maintainer role,
send a note to the infrastructure list or me personally.


Happiness is updated docs ;)



documentation-bounces at drupal.org [mailto:documentation-bounces at drupal.org] On Behalf Of Karen Stevenson

Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006
9:47 AM

To: A
 list for documentation writers

Subject: Re: [documentation] How
to remove erroneous handbook page


Yes, it would be helpful. I wrote most of the CCK documentation, but
there are some pages I can't get at. I do seem to have some maintainer
permissions, my pages are published immediately, but I don't have any access to
comments or to pages I didn't write.




----- Original Message

From: Boris Mann <boris at bryght.com>

To: A list for documentation writers 
<documentation at drupal.org>

Sent: Monday, December 4, 2006 11:44:09 AM

Subject: Re: [documentation] How to remove erroneous handbook page

It's unpublished already, and only viewable by folks that have (some level of?)
maintainer permissions AFAICT.

Karen, do you want maintainer permissions?

On 12/4/06, Karen
Stevenson <karen at elderweb.com>

There is a CCK handbook page at http://drupal.org/node/62530 that is very outdated and
incorrect and it also instructs people to download the program from an external
link, which apparently has a very old version of the module. I don't know who
has access to this page (I don't) but I would suggest removing it. If you do, I
will add correct install/update instructions to the handbook. 


Boris Mann


 San Francisco 

Skype borismann



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