[documentation] Most popular search terms for anonymous users on
Kieran Lal
kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Wed Feb 8 17:04:17 UTC 2006
Hello, we use many different metrics for evaluating what should
documented in the Drupal handbook. As you know, my least favorite
metric is personal opinion.
Here are some metrics for determining what the documentation team
should be focusing on:
Most commented pages: http://drupal.org/handbook/comments
Most popular pages: http://drupal.org/handbook/most-popular-pages
We also have about 120 unpublished pages in the unmoderated pages
queue which indicates that the Drupal community is eagerly
documenting what they feel is important and should be shared.
A new metric the documentation team should be using is what users are
searching for on Drupal.org. If you have an hour to help the Drupal
documentation team please consider improving one of the most popular
pages, editing a page to include the many comments on it, or edit the
documentation for one of the most frequently searched terms.
Anonymous users searches for a week
* flexinode (130)
* calendar (108)
* gallery (95)
* tinymce (90)
* taxonomy (88)
* phpbb (87)
* ajax (79)
* ecommerce (78)
* cron (77)
* php 5 (77)
* forum (74)
* image (68)
* fckeditor (67)
* rss (66)
* wiki (64)
* themes (61)
* multisite (60)
* acidfree (60)
* images (60)
* login (59)
* misc/favicon.ico (55)
* WYSIWYG (54)
* search (51)
* clean url (50)
* menu (47)
* cvs (46)
* event (44)
* htmlarea (44)
* banner (43)
* filemanager (43)
* podcast (43)
* aggregator2 (42)
* block (41)
* aggregator (41)
* blog (40)
* phptemplate (40)
* front page (39)
* pdf (39)
* multiple sites (39)
* newsletter (38)
* img_assist (37)
* guestbook (37)
* mod_rewrite (37)
* poll (36)
* smtp (36)
* Event module (36)
* workflow (35)
* crontab (34)
* patch (34)
* book teaser page (34)
* modrewrite (33)
* captcha (33)
* primary links (32)
* image module (31)
* ldap (31)
* Internet Explorer (31)
* mail (29)
* adsense (29)
* language (28)
* multi-site (28)
* flash (27)
* chat (27)
* theme (27)
* clean urls (26)
* Organic groups (26)
* links (26)
* snippets (26)
* install (26)
* civicrm (26)
* .htaccess (26)
* digg (26)
* notify (26)
* ssl (25)
* htaccess (25)
* php5 (25)
* email (25)
* javascript (25)
* vBulletin (25)
* FAQ (25)
* shop (24)
* gallery2 (24)
* i18n (24)
* profile visit (24)
* dreamweaver (24)
* "content block" (24)
* video (23)
* favicon (23)
* teaser (23)
* flexiblock (23)
* path (23)
* xtemplate (23)
* upload (23)
* url (22)
* myspace (22)
* login page (22)
* form_mail (22)
* cck (22)
* session (22)
* themes/bluebeach/logo.png (21)
* e-commerce (21)
* flickr (21)
* flatforum (21)
* safe mode (21)
* paypal (21)
* serve a static page (21)
* wordpress (20)
* uieforum (20)
* date (20)
* tracker (20)
* modules (20)
* private (20)
* audio (20)
* edit primary links (20)
* directory (20)
* display nodes (20)
* breadcrumb (20)
* safari (20)
* blocks (19)
* upgrade (19)
* forms (19)
* commerce (19)
* bluebeach (19)
* css (19)
* pathauto (19)
* tabs (19)
* civicspace (19)
* node (19)
* image gallery (19)
* access denied (19)
* survey (19)
* how to add contacts (19)
* webform result (19)
* Invision (18)
* smarty (18)
* book module (18)
* robots.txt (18)
* navigation (18)
* install theme (18)
* contact (18)
* group (18)
* category (18)
* frontpage (18)
* themes/bluebeach/themes/bluebeach/print.css (18)
* flexinode teaser (18)
* form_item (18)
* logo (17)
* avatar (17)
* spreadfirefox (17)
* blogs (17)
* smf (17)
* roadmap (17)
* unable to select database (17)
* themes/bluebeach/modules/simplenews/simplenews.css (17)
* themes/bluebeach/search/node/themes/bluebeach/print.css (17)
* themes/bluebeach/search/user/themes/bluebeach/print.css (17)
* themes/bluebeach/user/login (17)
* themes/bluebeach/misc/print.css (17)
* multilanguage (17)
* oscommerce (17)
* iso-8859-1 (17)
* profile (16)
* iis (16)
* onion (16)
* templates (16)
* amazon (16)
* weather (16)
* friendselectric (16)
* auction (16)
* pushbutton (16)
* demo (16)
* comments (16)
* themes/bluebeach/print.css (16)
* misc/drupal.css (16)
* modules/simplenews/simplenews.css (16)
* themes/bluebeach/style.css (16)
* themes/bluebeach/misc/drupal.css (16)
* themes/bluebeach/modules/project/project.css (16)
* themes/bluebeach/themes/bluebeach/style.css (16)
* cron.php (16)
* groupware (16)
* pager_query (15)
* mysql (15)
* access control (15)
* cache (15)
* TinyMCE book (15)
* SEO (15)
* folksonomy (15)
* versioning (15)
* random image (15)
* security (15)
* modules/project/project.css (15)
* Tagadelic (15)
* hosting (15)
* multilingual (15)
* mod_rewrite Apache (15)
* mysql5 (14)
* page not found (14)
* file manager (14)
* tutorial (14)
* views (14)
* social networking (14)
* permissions (14)
* logout (14)
* popup banner (14)
* ajax.module (14)
* bbcode (14)
* book (14)
* form_select (14)
* taxonomy menu (14)
* https (14)
* webform (14)
* Poll Style (14)
* index (14)
* organic group (14)
* permission (14)
* database (14)
* album (14)
* group image not saved (14)
* translation (13)
* dynamic link (13)
* submitted by (13)
* syndicate (13)
* admin (13)
* gojoingo (13)
* rewrite (13)
* illegal mix of collations (13)
* events (13)
* user (13)
* blank page (13)
* intranet (13)
* drupal_add_js (13)
* dashboard (13)
* 4.7 (13)
* base url (13)
* event.module more link error (13)
* tags (13)
* aggregator help (13)
* download (13)
* nice menus (13)
* printer friendly page comment (13)
* theme a form (13)
* $user (12)
* ping (12)
* cpanel (12)
* crm (12)
* login block (12)
* unwanted line breaks (12)
* jabber (12)
* attachments (12)
* import (12)
* webmail (12)
* groups (12)
* helpdesk (12)
* leaf (12)
* installation (12)
* weblink (12)
* attachment (12)
* sort order (12)
* bug (12)
* theme editor (12)
* securesite (12)
* nodes (12)
* categories (12)
* photo (12)
* "bug list" (12)
* title (12)
* translate user (12)
* submission queue (12)
* theme flexinode (12)
* mysql_connect (12)
* swap trading anonymous (12)
* project.module (11)
* photo gallery (11)
* menus (11)
* mssql (11)
* project management (11)
* drupal_goto (11)
* fckeditor server browser (11)
* flexinode booklink (11)
* front_page (11)
* password (11)
* template (11)
* joomla (11)
* db_query (11)
* backup (11)
* php snippets (11)
* breadcrumbs (11)
* turkish (11)
* variable_get (11)
* shopping cart (11)
* poll bar height (11)
* google (11)
* php (11)
* forms validate change (11)
* word count (11)
* mailhandler (11)
* chatbox (11)
* "Drupal 4.65" "PHP 5" (11)
* flexinode field access (11)
* xmlrpc (11)
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