[documentation] Call for help: 160 links to be added to project pages and module help pages

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Mon Jan 16 21:27:42 UTC 2006

Would it make sense to add this one last in the list after the 
administrative tasks that are commonly in the "You can" lists? I'm 
thinking that

- it might be easier for users if all of the onsite, administrative and 
configuration tasks are grouped together. (thus we shouldn't insert the 
project link into the middle of the admin tasks)

- users should finish reading through the list of what they can do in 
their site before encountering a link which takes them out of their site 
back to drupal.org for additional information.

Kieran Lal wrote:
> In the You can section:
> <li>file issues, read about known bugs, and download the latest  version 
> on the <a href="http://drupal.org/node/####">modulename  project 
> page</a>.</li>

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