[documentation] A suggestion to improve drupal.org handbooks

Ram Dak ramdak5000 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 22 14:25:56 UTC 2006

Exactly! Having a single document to deal with would bring significant advantages.
  With the new workflow options available (?) in 4.7, we could even make this entire process part of a workflow:
  1.) Developers fill in the initial documentation in the project fields  provided and it goes into install.txt in CVS and the tarballs. To avoid  developer resistance, we could make a minimum set of fields required  and the rest, not required.
  2.) This text then goes to people/volunteers on the docs list who  install the modules and document its various intricacies. Then, with  access to the same form fields as the developers, they add the extra  stuff they have documented.
  3.) Someone (or a set of people if possible, including the developers),  reviews the additions and approves them. On approval, the new text gets  added to the CVS and module tarballs with the PHP magic you mentioned.
  4.) Finally, this approved documentation is also automatically added to the drupal.org handbooks
  If this makes sense (not too bureaucratic etc.) and is technically  feasible,  I will compile all the suggestions people have made  till now for a standard format. 
  The drupal.org handbooks can still be the place for more detailed documentation, child pages, tips and tricks stuff etc.

Charlie Lowe <cel4145 at cyberdash.com> wrote:  
But this did make me think of one idea. Not sure how hard this is to do, 
but for each module, could we use PHP to pull in the install.txt from 
CVS as a sub-page of the main module page in the "Drupal modules and 
features" handbook? Either that, or have the actual project module page 
automatically pull install.txt from CVS and include it as a link?  We 
could then help module developers to provide better install.txt files 
and focus on what information needs to be provided there. Only one 
document to maintain, too.
Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/

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