[documentation] Theme and customization section landing page.

Steven Peck speck at blkmtn.org
Wed Jul 19 01:21:26 UTC 2006

Landing/intro page to themeing and customization... The Drupal approach
we all are somewhat familiar with but don't do such a good job on.

A while ago the Customization and theming section got a few new sections
that are really good, but they didn't fit with what I'd thought was
going to happen there, so I did nothing to see how things evolved and
talked to folks about it.  It evolved well and has a ton of useful
information and is really better then my original idea, which is a good
thing.... It's more of a bits and pieces reference section then a
complete how to.  

However it lacks an approach landing page

So I am going to ramble here and lets see if we can define it some more.

The Installation and Configuration section was focused on the basics so
it was relatively easy to organize.  It needs some tutorials (installed
'now what') but I haven't seen any from the people who promised them and
haven't had the time yet myself.

Drupal out of the box can be a CMS and it's a framework for those with
the skills to extend and use it.  However, we really don't have an
'Approach to Drupal site customization' page that explains all that.
So, I was thinking of a page that kind of gave a brief over view on
doing this.  An paragraph idea, then a link to one of the PHPTemplate
snippets.  One on PHP snippets and such.  I need to dig up ISA'a posts
on HTML snippets so we can get an HTML snippets section for all of us
without php skills.

So, anyone want to take a stab at an outline or a start?  I picture this
page being the top link and explaining the philosophy of putting
together your site.

Also, should I move the site-recites page to the installation and
configuration section?


Note: This section does need updating http://drupal.org/node/509 but
that's sort of an aside.
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