[documentation] renewed request: few small texts for theme garden. please?

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Thu Mar 2 11:11:44 UTC 2006

Op donderdag 2 maart 2006 11:34, schreef Dale McGladdery:
> Drupal (102 words):
> Drupal is a computer program that runs on a world wide web server and
> provides a means for managing and publishing content. Collectively,
> this functionality is called a Content Management System, or CMS. The
> content might be web log (blog) entries, articles, events, discussion
> forums, resumes or recipes. Drupal allows the site maintainers and
> content authors to focus on content, not programming or html markup.
> Drupal's theming system allows a web site look to be changed with
> "theme" plug-ins. This Theme Garden showcases the richness and variety
> of the Drupal themes available. More information on Drupal can be
> found at http://drupal.org

Nice. I think wit h a little more effort we can make the style and wordings 
more like drupals: http://drupal.org/about

I love your hard work and quick reply! Bèr
 PGP ber at webschuur.com
 PGP berkessels at gmx.net

Gebruik geen CVS, tenzij je zeker van je zaak bent:
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