[documentation] [task] E-Commerce Documentation

webchick drupal-docs at drupal.org
Thu Mar 23 04:39:52 UTC 2006

Issue status update for 
Post a follow up: 

 Project:      Documentation
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    Misc
 Category:     tasks
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  Anonymous
 Reported by:  webchick
 Updated by:   webchick
 Status:       active
 Attachment:   http://drupal.org/files/issues/E-Commerce Documentation.zip (861.33 KB)

Poor Matt Westgate has been waiting for me to do e-commerce docs for
like 4 months. ;( I work full-time now so it's really hard to find a
few spare hours to make headway on it.  :( I think I've finally come to
the realization that I will never finish this project I'm working on, so
I'm putting it here in the hopes that the rest of the community can help
flesh it out.

I've attached what I have done so far in terms of an "E-Commerce
Manual"... the last time this was updated was in maybe January though
so it may not be totally accurate, but maybe it could help as a start?

The idea was to split the docs up into 3 sections:

1. How-to: from an administrator's perspective, basic how-to docs on
how to install the module, how to configure basic settings, etc.
2. Reference: A thorough examination of all the various options and
stuff (warning: sometimes requires looking through source code)
3. Case studies: A step-by-step "recipe" guide on how to make a few
different common examples, such as making a t-shirt store, setting up
Drupal to take PayPal donations, charging people for group membership,

Another thing that would be far less time-consuming but extremely
valuable would be to fill in module documentation for the 30+ modules
that make up the e-commerce module. A sample page looks like
http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/book and they would go as child
pages to http://drupal.org/node/50350 probably. Looks like there is
more E-Commerce documentation there now than the last time I looked,
cool.  :) 

Also, there are a few getting started guides, including at least one or
two for e-commerce, available from osddp.org:

Hope that helps someone out some.


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