[documentation] reaching my full maintenance potential

sime info at urbits.com
Sun Sep 3 23:57:32 UTC 2006

Hi Liza

I like the approach. Can I play devil's advocate?

blogdiva at culturekitchen.com wrote:

> In the interest of good developing good cooperation and  
> communications practices :
> (1) more than two people should review queued documentation. Two  
> heads work better than one.

This is a good idea, but do we have enough resources? Reading the 
maintainer's page, I get the impression that I should rely on common 
sense to keep things moving. (Excluding major rewrites of the handbook 
of course.)

> (2) if the documentation is so-so, both will annotate and send it  
> back with comments to the author, giving the author the option of
> --changing the documentation themselves OR
> --publishing it as a forum topic with a request for review by the  
> community

I like this, but the best way is to use the author's contact form, which 
is a bit clunky. I feel like the "edit and wait for the screams" option 
is more efficient.

> (3) a notification alert should go out to all authors whose work has  
> been published in the documentation section of drupal.org. Actually,   
> I believe the same should be an option for all forum discussions.  
> With comments alerts (notification module, btw)  going immediately to  
> the author, hopefully Drupal.org will be ensuring quick response to  
> issues and/or maintenance of the site.

Just clarifying. This would require changes to the drupal.org installation?

> Best,
> liza sabater 

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