[documentation] Help cleaning up comments
Karl Diederich
karldied at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 12 01:13:02 UTC 2007
Added handbook page "Incorporating Comments" http://drupal.org/node/135589
as a child page to "Contributing to documentation." -karldied
----Original Message Follows----
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 19:06:36 -0400
From: Addi Berry <addi at rocktreesky.com>
Subject: [documentation] Help cleaning up comments
To: documentation at drupal.org
Hello fellow doc maintainers,
Since I became a site maintainer at OSCMS a few weeks back I have
been on a mission to delete comments from the handbooks. I have been
chipping away at the list and as of writing this email there are only
19 pages that have more than 10 comments each to them. I have been
deleting useless comments (thanks and support requests) and rolling
in useful ones. There are literally hundreds (maybe 500+?) pages with
comments and so I am asking for a little help here.
Doc maintainers cannot delete comments but you can roll comments into
the handbook and identify comments that can be deleted. What do I
mean by roll them in? Glad you asked. :) Here is a little step by step:
1. Go to the list of pages with comments: http://drupal.org/handbook/
comments (you can also find this in the Contributor Links block on d.o)
2. Pick a page, start at the bottom for those with only 2 comments or
start at the top for the biggies.
3. Read the page, read the comments and determine if there is useful
info/corrections in the comments.
4. Roll it:
a. if there are corrections or additional info that would be good to
have in the page - please edit the page.
b. if there is extra goodness that is not good for that page, copy
the comment into a new page (normally a good location is as a child
page of where you are). I also normally make sure to add a note to
the log giving the original comment poster credit (e.g. "from comment
by username")
5. Kill it: Once you roll in the useful bits (or if there are no
useful bits) create an issue for a site admin to delete the
comments. Just name the issue Delete Comments, make it a task and
provide links to the page(s). Feel free to create one issue that
lists a whole bunch of pages that need comments deleted (when I did
this, I just opened a notepad on my puter and copy/pasted the URL of
each page I worked on, then copied the whole list into an issue). The
more the merrier.
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