[documentation] New input format for documentation maintainers

Heine Deelstra hdeelstra at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 21:13:26 UTC 2007

We, that is Webchick & I, have revoked the Full HTML input format permission from the role
"documentation maintainer" due to security concerns.

In its place is the very permissive "Documentation" input format so documentation
maintainers should not encounter problems. The only issue you should notice is that you
cannot edit current handbook pages that are still set to Full HTML. I've posted a list
<http://drupal.org/node/165364> of handbook pages that should be reviewed and, if
possible, converted to the new input format.

If you encounter problems, do not hesitate to file an issue (and/or visit #drupal to give
me a virtual beating).

Kind regards,

Heine Deelstra

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