[documentation] tool to find undesirable strings

Greg Knaddison greg at pingvox.com
Wed Dec 19 01:06:28 UTC 2007


For GHOP we had a student build an "undesriable string alter tool" (it
needs a new name).  Basically you configure it for 1) words that are
commonly used but not very usable 2) which sites it should run on.
Then whenever it finds them it will highlight them yellow and pop up a
bar on the bottom of the page which lists all the occurrences of the

You can get more information about it on the website of the person who
built it[1] or in the issue where it was discussed/built[2].

It currently will find instances of "node" on Drupal.org (which
happens a lot!).  But it is probably more useful on private sites or
when reviewing documentation on Drupal.org.


[1] http://www.corsix.org/drupal_string_bar.html
[2] http://drupal.org/node/199858

PS Apologies to docs people who are also members of the usability
group and are seeing this twice.  These seemed like the best places to
announce the tool and I can't crosspost between them.

Greg Knaddison
Denver, CO | http://knaddison.com
World Spanish Tour | http://wanderlusting.org/user/greg

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