[documentation] [Documentation feature] Finding desired documentation

karldied drupal-docs at drupal.org
Tue Feb 13 05:44:33 UTC 2007

Issue status update for 
Post a follow up: 

 Project:      Documentation
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    Admin Guide
 Category:     feature requests
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  Anonymous
 Reported by:  WebWeaver64
 Updated by:   karldied
 Status:       active

Yes, this is the right place to post this topic. 

I think there are two issues here: 

1. How to search in just the handbooks or just the forum boards. 

2. Difficult handbook navigation. 

Issue #1, I wrote Tips on using the documentation handbooks,
http://drupal.org/node/118536  See if that addresses the need. 

Issue #2 is much larger. Issues:
- Create First Steps Handbook, http://drupal.org/node/114078 deals with
it some.
- Improvements needed for the Handbook, http://drupal.org/node/107005
is still open.
- Confusing term use in titles, http://drupal.org/node/112923 also
tries to address some of this.
- Documentation needed on inline images, http://drupal.org/node/115075
is an excellent example of the difficulty finding documentation on how
to accomplish a task.

Much of our documentation is organized along the lines of (1) the
modules, or (2) the themes, or (3) snippets, or (4) tutorials, etc. 

While basic module functionality needs to be explained under the module
page, the location of documentation that describes a combined
interaction and employment of multiple modules is scattered. And it is
called all manner of different titles, such as mini-module, snippet,
HOWTO, tutorial, and site recipe. 

Instead, I suspect that much of the documentation should be organized
by task. For example, setting up forums to have private ones and public
ones is a frequent request. It is non-intuitive that you have to bring
in a contrib access module. It is not well-documented because there are
multiple ways to do it. The same applies for stories and blogs as well,
so the documentation is not located with the forum documentation, but
the new administrator doesn't know that. Ditto for adding the "submitted
by" information or the poster's avatar. 

The best way to organize the tasks might be a parent page "Access
control options" that compares and over views the different ways, with
child pages explaining each choice, whether they use different modules,
themes, or snippets to achieve their end. Then, a child to the forum
module page can point to the access topic, and a similar child to the
blog module page can point to the access topic as well. Same for
pointing how to add pictures.


Previous comments:

Mon, 12 Feb 2007 03:11:47 +0000 : WebWeaver64

Is there anyway to make the pages come up in search based on where
something is located?

I need to understand synonyms which is located in the add terms of
Categories. So if I search for:
Categories Add Term Synonyms 

a page explaining that would come up. Even if I only did Add Term
Synonyms it should show up. I have found the handbook very difficult to
navigate, and think this could be a possible way to make it easier for
someone new. You know where you are on the Admin, so once people knew
how to look through or search the book you could find what your looking
for, or at least know it wasn't covered.

I think there would be less confusion for anyone new if a handbook
could be set up this way. Hope this is the right place to post this. And
yes I'd be happy to help to do this. I don't know anything about Drupal,
but I would assist where and how I could in support of something like
this. Someone else would just need to write the content or point me in
the correct direction to get it.

Thanks for everything here!


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