[documentation] [Documentation feature] Improvements needed for the Handbook
drupal-docs at drupal.org
Fri Jan 5 18:55:32 UTC 2007
Issue status update for
Post a follow up:
Project: Documentation
Version: <none>
Component: Misc
Category: feature requests
Priority: normal
Assigned to: sepeck
Reported by: zoon_unit
Updated by: zoon_unit
Status: active
The API link is a great improvement.
A paragraph up top explaining the use of the issues feature for
documentation suggestions would be very helpful as a reminder,
especially for newbies. For some reason, it's very easy to overlook the
issues option, even though it's listed right on the user's menu.
This is probably because most users associate issues with correcting
bugs rather than making feature requests and suggestions.
Previous comments:
Fri, 05 Jan 2007 04:51:48 +0000 : zoon_unit
In order to increase the participation and feedback from new users of
Drupal, the Handbook needs some improvements.
* The "About Drupal Documentation" section of the Handbook should be
weighted to appear at the top of the page. This will bring the link
"Contributing to the Handbook" front and center. Announcements could
also be posted on a regular basis on the forum to encourage and remind
users to contribute.
* Instructions for submitting documentation suggestions as issues
should be placed at the very top of the documentation page, ideally
under the Drupal handbooks title. This will encourage suggestions from
new users on ways to improve documentation. Perhaps a different color
or graphic can be used, similar to the orange box on the Drupal.org home
Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:09:46 +0000 : sepeck
link to documentation added to /handbooks page. The about Drupal and
the installation and configuration guides are still more important to
the general community then 'about drupal documentation'. Link to
api.drupal.org added as well.
Suggestions on improving the phrasing appreciated.
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