[documentation] thanks for the feedback, and help from anyone on the group moderation committee

ricco at webulite.com ricco at webulite.com
Thu Apr 3 10:40:03 UTC 2008

Hey Folks,

Thanks for your feedback on my poll question. Really appreciate it.

I would like to move forward and find some acceptable name for the group I
want to start, so that I can get going. Here is a post I hope I sent to
the group moderating folks to follow up on my original request. If any of
you know any of them perhaps you can help me get one of the new names
accepted so I can move forward and actually get a group listed.

Cheers! Ricco

Hey drupal group moderator dudes and dudeettes,

I joined the drupal doc group mailing list and got some great feedback on
a post I posted there. Even got some data from a poll;

What I would like to move forward with now is to figure out what I can
change the group that I submitted I originally called "Wiki"Help" to, so
that I can get the group approved.

Here are six names in the order that I would prefer them

1) pericope
2) elements of style
3) apologetics
4) triangles
5) philosophy
6) free association

I would prefer #1 over #6, so if you could consider them in the order
listed, and approve the first one of them that is acceptable, and let me
know. I will then make the change to the group page, and we can be off and

The group I would like to start will be a general purpose group where
people can post things on a variety of topics. Like;

"I worked on a drupal site where I created three groups, one for republics
only, one for democrats only and one for both and here is how I used to OG
user roles to get conversations going".

or; "I worked on a piece of code that allowed me to show broken links on a
book page in a different color than links that had followable links, and
here is how I did it"

or "here is how I see the difference in world views as to whether one
should use taxonomy vs groups to create sets on a drupal site"

or "how can I use a drupal site to raise money to start a food shelter in
my area?"

or; "this is why nobody should ever use a captcha field on a story page"

I am looking to attract interesting people that have done interesting
things with drupal sites. Hopefully well read people that can write with
wit and style, that are as interested in the reason they built the site,
as to the cool drupal techniques they used to build the site, and are able
and passionate about telling their story to others. A sort of place for
the gathering of renaissance  men and women, that are both competent
coders or respect competent coders and appreciate novel things done with
drupal, while being well read enough to write well as well as set up and
change drupal code.

Like I said, if you can let me know which of those names are acceptable, I
will change the group page, and hopefully can start meeting some of these
people once others can also come across the group via list of drupal

Cheers! Ricco

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