[documentation] Contrib module documentation

Erik Stielstra info at erikstielstra.nl
Wed Aug 6 06:31:08 UTC 2008

On 6 aug 2008, at 06:23, Fernando P. GarcĂ­a wrote:
> About contrib modules documentation, you mentin modules home page,  
> README.txt and help page, don't forget the built-in hook_help.
> I have the idea to load README.txt into hook_help, so that is is  
> more accesible. What do you think?

Loading the readme.txt into the help page is in my view a fallback  
scenario, but at least it makes this file more visible. You find  
example code here: http://drupal.org/node/161085 But a webpage has  
more to offer it can provide links to the various places (e.g.  
settings pages) and even dynamic indication of  the installation status.


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