[documentation] Contributions needed to core documentation

Victor Kane victorkane at gmail.com
Sun Dec 7 17:10:23 UTC 2008


Documentation should be crowd-sourced, on the heels of the excellent
opening up of the editing of the document handbooks.

It shouldn't require "extra work", but rather, a climate favorable to
crowd participation should be created.

Victor Kane

On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Dmitri Gaskin <dmitrig01 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Drupal 7 will (hopefully) see the introduction of a new and completely
> overhauled help system (read: starting from scratch).
> However, this means that all documentation must be re-written.
> This is not a job for one person! We need everyone to pitch in and help (no
> pun intended). If everyone can write two (2) pages, then we'll be
> <strong>very</strong> well off.
> The kind people at the Help System group on groups.drupal.org
> (http://groups.drupal.org/help-system) have assembled a workflow for you to
> take part in. Here's how to write a help page for a module:
> 1. Log in <a href="http://groups.drupal.org/user/login">here</a>. If you
> don't already have an account, you can log in
> with YOUR_DRUPAL.ORG_USERNAME at drupal.org as your usename and your drupal.org
> password as your password.
> 2. Navigate your browser
> to http://groups.drupal.org/node/add/wikipage?gids[]=12401 to start your new
> wiki page.
> 3. Choose "Drupal Documentation Task" for the "Group categories" vocabulary
> 4. Choose the name of the module for which you are writing documentation for
> the "Help topic module" vocabulary
> 5. Fill in the title and the body to those that you wish to appear on your
> help page.
> 6. Be sure to adhere to the guidelines
> ("http://groups.drupal.org/node/17302").
> 7. Hit submit!
> If everyone can do two (2) of these, we'll have all the help pages in core
> done in a matter of days. And guess who it starts with? You!
> If you would like to edit an existing page, simply go to the Help System
> group (http://groups.drupal.org/help-system) find the page along the left,
> click on it, and click the edit tab.
> Things to note:
> 1. The topic titles of each module, on the left side of group page, are not
> listed in any order (although the modules are). The final order can be
> decided later.
> 2. We are not using the drupal.org handbooks for specific styles/patterns
> that we need to follow for the help module's requirements. Check comments
> at http://groups.drupal.org/node/17287 for further information.
> --
> Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
> List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/

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