[documentation] Topics/Tasks for Drupalcon Friday Docs Sprint

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Wed Feb 27 13:52:15 UTC 2008

Hey folks,

Drupalcon approacheth and I have a loose list of things that we could  
try to organize around on during the Friday (March 7) code/docs sprint  
(http://boston2008.drupalcon.org/codesprintt). I know not everyone can  
make it to Drupalcon, so I'd like to set up a #drupal-docs IRC channel  
during the sprint so folks can get in on the conversation and take  
part in the sprint as well.

In the meantime here are some topics/tasks that are high on my radar  
for the sprint. Please add to this task list, particularly if you are  
willing to "head it up" as it were, i.e. explain the task and answer  
questions, get newbies situated for the task, etc.

CVS docs: 	http://drupal.org/handbook/cvs (also related, the  
Maintaining a project section: http://drupal.org/node/7765)
	I have been slowly tinkering with this section and we will have Derek  
(dww) and other CVS/project devs handy for clarifying questions and a  
bunch of newer devs around to give feedback. This is a tricky place  
for lots of folks and my personal mission is to bring this section  
home (or at least closer.) :-)

Clean URLs docs: 	http://drupal.org/node/15365
	This is an important section for people setting up their site. It is  
overwhelming and a bunch of pages are pretty old. We need to review,  
update and consolidate.

Getting Started for D6
	This is the new section Steven Peck started with D5. It is a  
different sort of section since the document is actually in DocBook  
format and then we export the pages for HTML and into the PDF doc we  
offer. This makes it a little harder to collaborate with upgrading it  
to 6, but with everyone in the room we should be able to make a lot of  

Clean up the docs issue queue: 	http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation
	We've got almost 300 issues in the documentation queue, some going  
back 2 years. Let's systematically go through and review the issues to  
see which are still pertinent and try to weed it down a bit. Also a  
great way to find some random tasks that may interest you.

Comment rolling: 	http://drupal.org/handbook/comments
	Handbook pages shouldn't have comments. We need to review the pages  
that do and clean 'em up. First pass is to delete irrelevant and  
support questions. Then we need to look at the page and determine how  
to update the page (or add new, related pages) to address the  
meaningful comments. Josh Brauer has been doing great work on this  
front lately.

Adding screenshots and graphics
	Everyone wants 'em! Docs team members can add 'em! Some prime  
candidates for this kind of thing are tutorials with screenies of the  
steps but we could also use things like charts and workflows to give  
people a picture to help make some concepts more clear.

These last two items, Comment rolling and Screenshots, can be done  
anywhere and everywhere but some of the most popular pages (http://drupal.org/handbook/most-popular-pages 
) would be a good place to start with them.

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