[documentation] Reminder: IRC meeting today at 18:00 GMT

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Sat Mar 29 15:25:40 UTC 2008

Just a reminder that we'll be meeting to discuss the "Contributing"  
section of the handbook today:

Saturday, March 29 at 18:00 GMT (11 am PDT, 2 pm EDT, 19:00 CET)

The meeting will be a minimum of one hour but could be extended to two
hours if folks want to stay and continue hammering things out. I will
be available for a full two hour meeting.

Agenda will be:
- Discussion of the new drupal.org/About Drupal handbook and how the
"contributing" section fits there (pursuant to sepeck's last email
about potentially using contributing as the overall structure for the
handbook rather than just a section in it.)
- Planning and tasking implementation of the new "contributing" outline

Please refer to the summary from the last meeting if you need to catch  

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