[documentation] Contributors to docs need more public recognition

Angela Byron drupal-docs at webchick.net
Mon May 26 04:56:04 UTC 2008

Steve Dondley wrote:
>> So what's the difference between that and what we have now? Well, in
>> my mind, the big difference between a "maintainer" and a "contributor"
>> is that a "maintainer" is willing to take requests directly from the
>> community and do the contributing on behalf of others. But, again,
>> nothing would ever give the maintainer the power over others to
>> contribute. They would just be someone you could defer to.


We could wait around for someone to code a "sign up to be a maintainer 
of this page/don't make me a maintainer of this page anymore/contact me 
here for problems on this page" thing, which would then need to be 
reviewed by the security team, tested and integrated into d.o, thus 
taking volunteer time away from other efforts on existing security 
reviews and other priorities on the d.o redesign... not to mention take 
what are now existing *public* comments, whose clarification benefit the 
entire community and instead send them on as private notes via e-mail to 
the handbook page maintainer, in the hopes that they actually meant it 
when they said they would maintain the page and these helpful comments 
won't just end up in a spam folder somewhere...


If someone cares about a page, they could simply monitor it for 
comments, respond to any inquiries, and update the page as needed, thus 
asserting themselves as the "maintainer" of said page. a.k.a, exactly 
what we have now, with no extra effort required. :)

I know which one I'd prefer to go with. ;)


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