[documentation] commentary

Steven Peck sepeck at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 23:17:24 UTC 2008

 ======== QUOTE =========
I tend to just be silent on the list because Documentation discussion
at DrupalCon Boston seemed, frankly, a little "we don't do things that
way around here..." and it sucks making helpful suggestions and
getting shot down, so I just keep fairly quiet and edit bad grammar,
et cetera, occasionally.  I really would like to see people like me
having a much more clear path to doing bigger edits and additions to
documentation, without fear of reprisal.   Having said that, if anyone
has a place in mind to include some ideas/additions on this topic,
please let me know and I'll get on it this week.
 ======== END QUOTE =========

So, often there is an idea.  I don't see they benefit in the provided
explanation and say so, clearly and generally ask a follow up on how
an issue I see would be addressed.  All to often it ends in silence so
I assume that the original requester could not answer my concerns so I
move on.

Then later, I see people complaining about 'they were shut down' so
it's all my fault they don't contribute.  This is more then slightly

I am also DEEPLY offended that people would accuse me of being the
type of person to engage in reprisals.  Offended.  I have NEVER done
so or acted in such a manner in my entire time in this community.
Everything I have done, has been open discussion in the forums or in a
mailing list.  I have NEVER 'retaliated' against anyone on drupal.org
despite some direct attacks on me personally.

Steven Peck
Current Documentation Lead.

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