[documentation] need help with PDO requirement

Victor Kane victorkane at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 10:07:42 UTC 2009

I googled on "install PDO on Centos" and got several sites like the
following, which advises not to install from scratch but rather make use of
the package manager, yum:

Victor Kane

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:19 AM, adept digital evolution
<techlists at ade.pt>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been helping to review and edit the d7 installation manual from the
> standpoint of a reasonably technical end-user, but one with zero php
> experience and very little experience with my linux web server (CentOS).
> (And, IMO, the average person who wishes to download, install, and use
> Drupal should not really need to know anything about coding in php, and
> often will have no access to things like php configuration for the server,
> such as with a shared hosting account)
> Anyway, I do have control over my own server (a VPS) with WHM for the
> server and CPanel for the domains it serves.
> I am completely stymied with the need to install the PDO extension and
> enable it.
> Where do I get it? Where do I put it? How do I get it running?
> So far someone has copied information from an external site to a "What is
> PDO?" page at http://drupal.org/node/549702 but it is not helping me at
> all.
> I have also visited http://us3.php.net/manual/en/pdo.installation.php but
> this page that supposedly ought to tell one how to install tells one really
> I have seen references to something like "./configure". What is that? Where
> do I find it?
> Could someone volunteer to help me get PDO installed (although since I'm on
> CentOS 5.2 and PHP 5.2.8 as I understand it it is there already somewhere; I
> just have to figure out how to enable it)?
> I ran into a similar problem with the need in D6 for mb_string. My status
> page always reports it's missing but I have no clue, again, where to get it,
> where to put it, and how to get it running.
> If someone can work with me offline on this I will write up instructions
> that are intelligible to us mere mortals, i.e., the most important target
> market for Drupal.
> thanks,
> kazar at d.o.
> techlists at ade.pt
> --
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