[documentation] documentation Digest, Vol 57, Issue 10

Julia Kulla-Mader jkullama at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 16:01:18 UTC 2009


(Long time lurker, first docs team post. Sorry in advance if I'm violating
any protocols).

> I have seen references to something like "./configure". What is that?
> Where do I find it? How do I edit it? I tried typing "locate
> ./configure" at the command prompt but that didn't work to help me find
>where to do this.

"./configure, " "make", and "make install" are all commands used to install
a program from source code. They are generally run from within the folder of
the program you are trying to install. "./configure" builds a new make file.
"make" builds a program. and "make install" actually installs the program.
You have to run all three to install something. An alternative is to use
"yum" or "apt-get" depending on what flavor of Linux your server is running.
Both of these are preferable to installing from source because it will make
it way easier to upgrade or uninstall software later on.
In terms of documentation needs, I wonder if it would be useful to also have
a documentation page on how to talk to your hosting company about installing
PDO. If there isn't one already, there could also be a page on talking to
hosting companies about why you need PHP 5. Although, I sure hope that there
aren't too many people still stuck with PHP 4 hosting providers.

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