[documentation] Drupalcon sprints - live and virtual

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Sat Aug 22 23:21:14 UTC 2009

> add1sun has posted a Discussion at http://groups.drupal.org/node/25610
> Drupalcon sprints - live and virtual
> ---------------
> So we are getting close to Drupalcon now. We have two days for  
> sprinting (Sept. 1 and Sept. 5) and we should have a bit of a game  
> plan going in. I have a rough outline for at least the first day of  
> sprinting, Sept 1. In addition to just getting work done, I would  
> also like to schedule some topical meetings. To best figure out  
> when, please let me know if you are interested in attending a  
> topical meeting by filling in the Doodle for the topics you are  
> interested in (see below) and please pay head to the timezone  
> selector. Depending on how many people want to attend a meeting, I'd  
> like to do this by Skype/phone/whatever, if possible, rather than  
> IRC, since a half live/half IRC meeting is often a big mess. (They  
> will hopefully be recorded for those that can't make them.)

> If you have other topics you would like to have scheduled, respond  
> to the list and we can consider it. Three in one day already sounds  
> like a lot to me.

> I am still trying to find out from the Paris organizers what times  
> during the day the sprint space is available. I'm assuming in the  
> 9-5 range, CET (3am - 11am EDT). Hopefully we can sort out some  
> Paris evening/NA midday times for NA folks.

> Here is the basic list of stuff:
> **Sept. 1, 2009**
> Basic tasks: http://drupal.org/node/388470
> Priority Tasks:
> - Style guide conformance (http://drupal.org/about/authoring)
> - Drupal 7 (http://drupal.org/node/515870)
> - Core docs (http://drupal.org/node/540308)

> Topical meetings (will have set times, TBD):
> - IA status/next steps DOODLE: http://www.doodle.com/nwppzy7ucctxa6t4
> - Outreach goals (Mentoring and Peer groups) DOODLE: http://www.doodle.com/h39p6dkxzhftxwb6
> - Drupal 7 status/game plan: http://www.doodle.com/pqbfeqdfn77zaqxx

- Addi
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