[documentation] Forms API handbook volunteer

Sameer Siruguri siruguri at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 04:28:00 UTC 2009


I have been interested in fleshing out, and collating, the documentation for
the Forms API for some time now, and recently got started on writing out the
material that would go under the headings that Steven Jones wrote out on
this page: http://drupal.org/node/204270 (Here's a page I wrote, with one
child: http://drupal.org/node/384120)

Here's the problem I ran into: After writing some pages down, I sheepishly
realized that some material already existed as child pages. But I don't have
edit permissions to the top level of those child pages, which makes it hard
to incorporate some of my changes and esp. to consolidate all the material
at the top level.

Here are some solutions: I could go ahead and build out all the material and
then propose a consolidation. I could build it on my own website and find
some way to export the book to be imported into Drupal.org. I could have
access to the top level pages. I could do something during DrupalCon.

I am open to suggestions. Thanks!
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