[Security-news] EU Cookie Compliance - Critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2019-033

security-news at drupal.org security-news at drupal.org
Wed Mar 6 19:01:50 UTC 2019

View online: https://www.drupal.org/sa-contrib-2019-033

Project: EU Cookie Compliance [1]
Version: 7.x-1.x-dev8.x-1.x-dev
Date: 2019-March-06
Security risk: *Critical* 15∕25
AC:None/A:Admin/CI:Some/II:Some/E:Theoretical/TD:All [2]
Vulnerability: Cross site scripting

This module addresses the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came
into effect 25th May 2018, and the EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic
Communications from 2012. It provides a banner where you can gather consent
from the user when the website stores cookies on their computer or otherwise
handles their personal information.

The module doesn't sufficiently sanitize data for some interface labels and
strings shown in the cookie policy banner, opening up possibility of Cross
Site Scripting exploits that can be created by somebody that has access to
the admin interface of the module.

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role
with the permission "Administer EU Cookie Compliance banner". For Drupal 8,
the vulnerability also requires access to a text format that doesn't sanitize

Install the latest version:

   * If you use EU Cookie Compliance module for Drupal 7.x, upgrade to EU
     Cookie Compliance 7.x-1.26 [3]
   * If you use EU Cookie Compliance module for Drupal 8.x, upgrade to EU
     Cookie Compliance 8.x-1.3 [4]

Also see the EU Cookie Compliance [5] project page.

Reported By: 
   * Yonatan Offek  [6]

Fixed By: 
   * Luigi Guevara  [7]
   * Sven Berg Ryen  [8]

Coordinated By: 
   * Greg Knaddison [9] of the Drupal Security Team
   * Michael Hess [10] of the Drupal Security Team

[1] https://www.drupal.org/project/eu_cookie_compliance
[2] https://www.drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels
[3] https://www.drupal.org/project/eu_cookie_compliance/releases/7.x-1.26
[4] https://www.drupal.org/project/eu_cookie_compliance/releases/8.x-1.3
[5] https://www.drupal.org/project/eu_cookie_compliance
[6] https://www.drupal.org/user/194009
[7] https://www.drupal.org/user/699418
[8] https://www.drupal.org/user/667244
[9] https://www.drupal.org/user/36762
[10] https://www.drupal.org/user/102818

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