[Security-news] Drupal core - Moderately critical - Access bypass - SA-CORE-2025-002

security-news at drupal.org security-news at drupal.org
Wed Feb 19 18:13:29 UTC 2025

View online: https://www.drupal.org/sa-core-2025-002

Project: Drupal core [1]
Date: 2025-February-19
Security risk: *Moderately critical* 13 ∕ 25
AC:Basic/A:User/CI:Some/II:Some/E:Theoretical/TD:Default [2]
Vulnerability: Access bypass

Affected versions: >= 8.0.0 < 10.3.13 || >= 10.4.0 < 10.4.3 || >= 11.0.0 <
11.0.12 || >= 11.1.0 < 11.1.3
Bulk operations allow authorized users to modify several nodes at once from
the Content page (/admin/content). A site builder can also add bulk
operations to other pages using Views.

A bug in the core Actions system allows some users to modify some fields
using bulk actions that they do not have permission to modify on individual

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have
permission to access /admin/content or other, custom views and to edit nodes.

In particular, the bulk operations

  * Make content sticky
  * Make content unsticky
  * Promote content to front page
  * Publish content
  * Remove content from front page
  * Unpublish content

now require the "Administer content" permission.

Install the latest version:

  * If you are using Drupal 10.3, update to Drupal 10.3.13 [3].
  * If you are using Drupal 10.4, update to Drupal 10.4.3 [4].
  * If you are using Drupal 11.0, update to Drupal 11.0.12 [5].
  * If you are using Drupal 11.1, update to Drupal 11.1.3 [6].

All versions of Drupal 10 prior to 10.3 are end-of-life and do not receive
security coverage. (Drupal 8 [7] and Drupal 9 [8] have both reached

Reported By: 
  * jeff cardwell [9]

Fixed By: 
  * Benji Fisher (benjifisher) [10] of the Drupal Security Team
  * jeff cardwell [11]
  * Mingsong  (mingsong) [12] Provisional Member of the Drupal Security Team
  * Juraj Nemec (poker10) [13] of the Drupal Security Team

[1] https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal
[2] https://www.drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels
[3] https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/10.3.13
[4] https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/10.4.3
[5] https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/11.0.12
[6] https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/11.1.3
[7] https://www.drupal.org/psa-2021-06-29
[8] https://www.drupal.org/psa-2023-11-01
[9] https://www.drupal.org/u/jeff-cardwell
[10] https://www.drupal.org/u/benjifisher
[11] https://www.drupal.org/u/jeff-cardwell
[12] https://www.drupal.org/u/mingsong
[13] https://www.drupal.org/u/poker10

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