[support] themes problem

Larry Garfield larry at garfieldtech.com
Thu Aug 24 02:10:25 UTC 2006

On Thursday 24 August 2006 19:26, Mr Gibson... (Earnest Hern) wrote:
> I am using the latest snapshot drupal-cvs-4-7.tar.gz.
> I have noticed that drupal has a very bad selection of themes. Each one
> seems to have some display problem. Most of the themes found at the drupal
> theme link do not fully work in the laster browsers. The forum table is not
> sized correctly or the hover colours are not correct or the input boxed are
> out of alignment. The only themes to work 100% are the ones packed with
> drupal. The themes I am installing are for 4.7.0. not the cvs version.
> Where can I get a good selection of fully workable themes. Drupal may have
> lots of options but if i cant get some good themes, it will be hard to keep
> members. I have tryed the theme garden but at that place is the same themes
> as the drupal site.

Two things:

1) The themes projects are just as "unfiltered" as module projects.  Some are 
great, some are good, some are broken steaming piles that haven't been 
updated in 2 years.  There's no built-in policing method for that currently.  
So they're all "caveat downloador".

2) Are you using any contributed modules?  There are so many possible ways to 
mix and match Drupal functionality that it's difficult if not impossible to 
make a theme that will cover all of them.  Even core itself can be configured 
in dozens of ways.  Not all themes support all features, and when you add in 
browser stupidity (IE breaks in a thousand ways, Safari breaks in a different 
200 ways, Firefox breaks in its own 3-4 ways), generic theming is down right 
impossible. :-)

I agree that the after-market themes available for Drupal right now are not 
that impressive, but hopefully you can see why.  In practice, I think it's a 
good plan to build your own theme for your site, pulling in ideas and code 
from existing themes where possible.  (Eg, I tend to use the bluemarine forum 
code as a starting point.)  Beware bugs in browsers.

I'm not sure if that's much help, but hopefully it's worth something. :-)

Larry Garfield			AIM: LOLG42
larry at garfieldtech.com		ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
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of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

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