[support] **********SPAM**********: accessibility of drupal sites

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Thu Oct 19 10:53:30 UTC 2006


Op woensdag 18 oktober 2006 01:59, schreef Mohammed Al-shar':
> 1. for visually impaired users, I want them to be able to change the font
> size / color / contrast on the fly. one site that does this beautifully,
> but it's not drupal powered is our strategic partner's website at:
> www.yourdolphin.com

IMNSHO this is a browser feature. Get a 'good' browser and you can enforce 
resizing on all websites, and with a plugin you can alter even more[1]. IMO 
adding buttons to your website that toggle styles (with JS or not) is *not* 
the same as making your site accessible. Designing your site in a way that 
the browsers can resize etc. has a far bigger impact!

> 2. provide keyboard users the possibility of reaching some parts of the
> website using accesskeys. I know that this method isn't preferred from what
> I read about it, but may be the listers can share their views about this
> point. I am blind myself, and never need to use accesskeys as my screen
> reader has built in commands to reach to various elements on most websites.
> actually, most modern screen readers have this possibility.

I would love to see accesskeys used more often. IMO we could/should start this 
on a theme level, and then, once people use and improve such an 
access-key-enabled theme, document that, and let it trickle back into Drupal 
in the form of patches for forms, links etc.

> I am thinking that structuring the website's documents well will often be
> most handy. like using different heading sizes, and using bulleted and
> numbered lists.

In .nl there is a great organisation, called Drempels Weg (Doorsteps be gone) 
[2], which has an official certificate, they provide reviews of your site, 
and they have good documentations and forums on how to get your site 
It could be good to look at this concept, for Drupal (documents, a 
certificate, and a forum), or even for all OSS CMSes.


[1] http://cita.disability.uiuc.edu/software/mozilla/
[2] http://www.drempelsweg.nl/
| Bèr Kessels | webschuur.com | Drupal, Joomla and Ruby on Rails web 
development |
| Jabber & Google Talk: ber at jabber.webschuur.com |
| http://bler.webschuur.com | http://www.webschuur.com |
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