[support] cron job crashing server, and how many users is too many?

Grandmother Spider gs at grandmother-spider.com
Thu Feb 22 17:55:55 UTC 2007

> You mentioned it ran out of memory in the search module.  Perhaps a 
> back log of nodes to be indexed is contributing to the problem.  You 
> can configure the number of nodes it will try to index in one cron run 
> at admin->settings->search under the indexing throttle setting.  
> Perhaps a smaller number there would help.

I think this was indeed the problem, because the cron job hadn't 
finished in weeks and it now no longer throws the memory error. As I 
said, this is a busy community site with a LOT of posting going on.


Lynn S.

Mama, homeschooler, writer, activist, spinner & knitter

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